Ethical Health & Beauty - My Ethical Earth

Ethical Health & Beauty

girl by the sea with a turtle

Thousands of excellent beauty products created by ethical brands ensure they are available and accessible to every willing body.​

Be the change, Select those that have minimal impact on the earth and don’t test on animals!

Ethical beauty products are readily available to everybody.  Animal testing for cosmetic use has been banned in the UK and the EU since 2013. The definition of ‘cruelty-free’, however, is not so simple!

“What you don’t know doesn’t hurt you” may be true for you, but the creatures who are getting hurt are unlikely to agree!

My Ethical Earth is about education, awareness and information, not alarm.  As tempting as it is to publish facts and photos on what is really going on in the beauty industry, (and it is very tempting) we are aware that angle will have most people rushing off to find a more gentle site! And no good can come of that!

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Blog Category - Health and Beauty