Our very first blog is dedicated to the remarkable anti-ageing benefits of pomegranates!
In fact, the neglected little fruit is so important we will be dedicating a whole series of blogs to this amazing fruit. Pomegranates are versatile, medicinal, tasty and make gorgeous beauty treatments. We have included recipes will be in each of the blogs.

Pomegranate Arils
The anti-ageing benefits of pomegranates are packed into the beautiful red seeds, the pulp and also the skin.
The use of Pomegranate in Beauty Products is Increasing
You have probably seen pomegranate in increasing numbers of beauty products. (If you’ve not noticed you will now)!
By the end of our Pomegranate Series, I guarantee you will be convinced, not only of the anti-ageing benefits of pomegranates, but of their overall health benefits as well!
Is it a Fact that the Pomegranate is a Super-food with Anti-ageing Benefits?
Scientists from EPFL say it is.
Before I elaborate, it’s important that I kick off with the science bit.

Scientists had a closer look
A team of scientists, working on the development discovered that one of the anti-ageing benefits of pomegranates is a molecule that, transformed by gut flora in the stomach, enables muscle cells to protect themselves against one of the significant causes of ageing!
What an enormous undertaking from a humble fruit; how does it do that?
I'm glad you asked!
and its effect is powerful and measurable."

A Wonder-molecule in Pomegranates
Why do we age?
We age because, over time, cells stop doing what they a supposed to be doing! The inner compartment, called mitochondria, struggle to continue regenerating. (I know how they feel!)
Mitochondria are essential organelles (literally, little organs) for regulating cellular energy homeostasis and cell death.
Bear in mind that includes muscular cell death, and the build-up of dysfunctional mitochondria is also responsible for playing a role in ageing diseases, such as Parkinson’s. But I digress…
A process called autophagy removes the damaged mitochondria. This process is called mitophagy and is critical for maintaining proper cellular functions.
That little molecule in the humble pomegranate is single-handedly able to restart the mitochondria’s migophagy (the clean-up procedure). The way I see it, the anti-ageing benefits of pomegranates cannot be overstated!
ADVERT: We recommend
this fresh-smelling, soothing, cell-regenerating treatment.

Pomegranates are Rich in Antioxidants

Parts of the Pomegranate
We tend to think of pomegranates as red-purple in colour. Actually, they come in a white variety too. Have you ever seen a white pomegranate? The skin of the pomegranate or, more correctly, the ‘husk’, has two parts: the outer, hard pericarp, and an inner, spongy mesocarp, which is where the seeds attach.
Pomegranate is also called ‘fruit of paradise’. Good name!
Rich in antioxidants, pomegranates neutralise the effect of free radicals in our body.
Anti-ageing compounds in the pomegranate stimulate keratinocyte cells (skin cells), which help in cellular regeneration.
As a result, you can expect to see fewer wrinkles and less sagging skin.
In your face, or on your face, either way, pomegranates are beneficial for wrinkle-free, younger-looking skin.
We love them!
Homemade Anti-ageing Pomegranate Scrub & Face Mask Combo
- 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds – make a paste
- 3 – 4 drops almond oil
- 1 – 2 teaspoons rice flour
- Break open the pomegranate and remove the pips. We will only be using those for this recipe.
- Keep the pericarp and the mesocarp (that is both the outer hard skin and the inner spongy part). I’ll get back to that later.
- Mix the pomegranate paste with the rice flour together. Add the almond oil and put into a blender; or smash it well using a pestle and mortar.
- Rub gently into your face, using a circular motion. Keep on your face for 20 minutes. Rince off with warm water and apply a face cream.

Save the Pomegranate Peel!
Remember I told you to hang onto both the peel (pericarp) and the inner meshy part (mesocarp)?
Break it up into chunks, and lay it on a plate to dry. How long it will take to dry depends on where you live! You may need to keep it near the oven or heater. In a warm climate, it normally takes about four days. It is ready to use when it is dry and crisp.
If you have an electric dehydrator use that. It will get the job done in a approximately 10 hours! (Remove the smaller, thinner pieces when you see they are ready, some were dry enough after only 4 hours).
Next week I will talk about the anti-ageing benefits of pomegranate peel.
If you enjoyed reading about the anti-ageing benefits of pomegranates, please leave a comment below
6 thoughts on “Anti-ageing Benefits of Pomegranates”
I have NEVER eaten Pomegranates even though we had a tree in the garden! Used to pick them all for a friend who kept Parrots! Having said that, the site is very well researched and easy to navigate. Well done!
Thank you for your comment, Meg. You really should try eating one. Those arils pop when you bite them, really cool and utterly yummy! ?
I use a pomegranate oil based eye nourisher salve – for the skin under the eyes and cheekbones. It smells divine and smooths out the little lines … Not if I’m going to wear mascara though as I’d be mistaken for Alice Cooper ! At night or lockdown stay at home days, its a treat!
Thank you, Karon. Keep an eye out for the next blog in our Pomegranate series. It’s my new favourite ingredient for beauty treatments… and ice-cream 🙂
Incredible! We had a pomegranate tree in our garden when i was a kid and we used to feast on them! Who would have thought they have such magical properties.
Thank you for your message. Keep an eye on more blogs, Sharzi, we have a whole series on the wonderful pomegranate!